It has been ages since I've written a blog post, but as I've got some exciting news about two brand-new series coming your way, I thought this was a good time to do so. Please grab a beverage and maybe a biscuit, and read on. 😘
I hope you're well and that 2022 is being kind to you, so far. I can't believe it's the end of January already.
It's been a while since I posted something in my News and Views but I'm going to try to rectify that this year (famous last words!) and post on a more regular basis. Let's see how that goes, shall we? 🤣
You may or may not be aware that I've got two new series out at the moment. Yes that's right - two. One is my Wyntersleap series, set (oddly enough) in the tiny village of Wyntersleap. The other is my Merriment Bay series, set (yep, you guessed it) in the seaside village of Merriment Bay.
'But why bring out two new series at the same time?' I hear you ask.
Believe me, I've been asking myself that question recently too. Trying to spread the word about one new book is hard enough these days; trying to spread it about one book, a four-part serial and then more books coming soon, is the stuff of madness. Probably just as well I'm a little bit crazy then, eh?
Let me try to explain why I've done this.
Basically, having finished my Lily Pond Lane series, I started writing the Merriment Bay serial and the Wyntersleap series at the end of last year (I always have separate books on the go. Don't ask me why) and intended to bring them out during 2019. But readers loved my Lily Pond Lane series so much that they asked for more books in that series. Now I could have ignored their requests and said, 'Nope. Sorry. That series ends with the Christmas 2018 book.' and simply got on with Merriment Bay. Instead, I listened to them and wrote another three books in the Lily Pond Lane series. That meant everything else I'd been working on, was delayed.